Friday, March 6, 2009

1 & 0.

It's an age of computers.
Words aren't really words anymore, they're numbers...made up almost entirely of 1's and 0's.
Its a new century, people meet via social network and mutual interest groups, instead of local watering holes and malls.
And why shouldn't they? I reserve the right to screen my potential love interests based upon their favorite movies, bands and quotes.
There are few things worse then being on a first date and finding out that the person sitting opposite you is a die hard Poison, Marilyn Manson, Kiss, or GodSmack fan.
Still, I miss the days of old, when people actually went on first dates and had first date talks and were left feeling excited about all that was left to know.

I miss intellect. I miss intellectuals.
I miss when it was accepted as a state of being and not a numbers scale.
I'm tired of hearing post-published, coffee-break talk about taxonomy, proofs, quantum physics, periodic tables, foreign policy, religion and what goes where.
I'm bored of the smart people just being smart and not anything more.
Committing to memory everything written in books and neglecting to have a useful existence once the objective is complete. I call it the "Good Will Hunting" Syndrome, it's not officially documented in current medical journals, but oh, it will be.

It's become so important to have the most Snapple facts readily at hand and less important to actually understand how they pertain to people and the universe in general and still, even less important to do something constructive with the trigger happy, instant-oatmeal information.
In current events those who consider themselves "economically aware" are those sitting in front of the Fox news channel, watching stocks rise and fall, but not out in the working-class economy trying to make a buck. Those who think themselves politically savvy are those reading the latest CNN headlines and quoting news anchors but not taking into consideration all that they don't know. All that they couldn't know. All their good knowledge, via filtered U.S. media, serves solely as a back-up plan should Alex Trubec come-a-knockin'.

When did we become such a lazy people and make the bane of our existence: 'intellect' ÷ by what we know and 'righteousness' ÷ by what we don't do? Is it not more amiable to measure both intellect and righteousness by what we do with what we know?
If intellect is Webstered as a display of high mental capacity, there is nothing that requires equal paramount comprehension than grasping the complexity of human essence. Not even an encyclopedia.
I know it isn't scientific, but I would rather have a man courageous enough to be a man of pith, rather than have a book who can only give me the definition.

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