Monday, October 27, 2008

Would the real Thomas Jefferson please stand up?

What ever happened to The Declaration of Independence?

What was the point of that long-winded proclamation if not to state our most assured INDEPENDENCE from that which was considered "acceptable", "normal", "traditional" and "the way of things".

The men we consider to be our forefathers and founders of American democracy probably sat around playing hacky-sack with their wigs while a dunce drafted this literary drab.

It says ridiculous things repeatedly like "freedom" and "equality" and "unalienable rights".

Anarchy. That's what those words are. Straight up Anarchy.

Obviously the Declaration of Independence is no longer in effect or Today's democracy would honor little footnotes like: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that All Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever ANY Form of Government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these Ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it..."

It's obviously not very to the point so I can understand why it would be over-looked.

However, those of us who actually read the Deceleration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, those of us with a basic understanding of English diction...we would like to say: WE EXIST. And we exist under the same colors as the rest of The United States of America.
Jesus' epitaph did not read "p.s. gay's not included", nor did the Bill of rights say "gays exempt".

We are a nation dammit, a people of life and love. In a time of war we are a select few out to promote love, peace and the union of love and instead we seek to promote hate, judgment, prejudice and a ban on something as peaceful as marriage.

how can we be so blind?

so blind not to see that our ban on gay marriage, is the same as the KKK's ban on a free black man, hitlers ban on jews in his utopia, and societies ban on the working/voting woman.

Banning a free black man didnt stop Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks, no infact it inspired the Civil Rights Movement. Hitler didnt stop the hope and impact of Einstein, Freud, or Anne Frank, no..he was defeated in World War II. Preventing a woman from voting and working as a man does didn't stop the success of the women's suffrage movement. Nor will banning people from marrying the ones they love be successful for long.

We will struggle during this war you, the prejudice-elite, have created in the new millenium where hate and judgement still run rampant. Hate spreading faster than any other cancer known to man.

Yes, we will suffer...but we will win. Just like those who lead the way before us.

Hope. Faith. Love. These three, but the greatest of these is Love.

...and it will be the ones you love to hate that show you what it means to really love.

Come on America, Declare your Independence.

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